Botanical Printing with Fresh Leaves
with Mayumi Fujio


Monday 8/19
10:00 – 1:00

Tienda de curiosidades


Botanical printing uses real leaves along with mineral and tannin to transfer natural color and shape from plants onto natural fiber such as silk, cotton and linen.  It is like printing a photo directly from the plants to the fabric. In this class, you will make one silk scarf using lichen and fresh plants. 

All materials are included.


About the Instructor
Mayumi is a fiber artist using natural dye and mushroom dye with the technique called botanical printing  which uses real leaves to transfer colors and shapes from plants onto natural fibers. She has been a wild forager since young and studied field botany for edible plants and medicinal plants. The last 10 years, she has foraged and studied mushrooms to eat and to dye.   All the materials she uses are ethically harvested from the Bay area.  Her art pieces are sold at art galleries, Art Museums in Seattle, San Francisco and other prestigious mushroom  and art festivals.  She won an artist award at Mill Valley Art show in 2023. 
