

Monday  11/4
10:00 – 2:00


Transformation Studio


Ah Haa is excited to open up the Transformation Studio for artists who need the most valuable currency in Telluride- SPACE!


Need to create but no room at home to do it? Have a project from one of our painting classes that you need to finish? Join us for Open Studio on Mondays from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.! Work side by side with other talented artists during uninstructed class time that encourages collaboration but is great for the solo artist as well.

Each student has access to an easel, gator board, 5×2.5’ table and chair. No materials are provided, students must bring all of their own art supplies. Artwork cannot be stored in the studio, all items must be removed at the conclusion of open studio time.


Acceptable mediums include oil paint, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, sewing, collage. Please NO glitter, spray paint, encaustic, fabric dye or anything that creates excessive fumes.

All participants must sign the Single Day Open Studio Contract found here: https://form.jotform.com/242255374143150


If you have questions or are interested in our monthly open studio program which includes storage, reach out to maggie@ahhaa.org before registering.
