Drawing Mushrooms
Combining Scientific Observation with Pop Culture References
with Chris Adams


Tuesday 8/13
5:30 – 7:30

Curiosity Shop


Spend two hours with artist Chris Adams (the creative behind Corvidopolis, The Mushroom Tarot, Sporelust! and Telluride Mushroom Festival Posters), discussing & practicing basic techniques of drawing mushrooms and other inspirational beings from the natural world. Chris will describe his processes of drawing from photographic reference and from the real world, work with the class on some fun experimentations with common media and talk about & show examples of how he thinks about combining personal creative inspiration with accurate observation. Disclaimer: we may draw things other than mushrooms for educational purposes, or because newts, ferns and slugs are also fun to draw.


All levels welcome and all materials provided.


About the Instructor

Chris is the creative mind behind Corvidopolis, The Mushroom Tarot, Sporelust and Telluride Mushroom Festival Poster artist! Raised in the Pacific Northwest, he has always had a fondness for the outdoors and a love of creating art. After studying architecture he has been a working illustrator & printmaker for the last 12 years. In his late 20s he was introduced to mushroom foraging, and sometime around 2014 those two passions combined––the rest is (recent) history! His work merges youthful influences from skate-punk culture, 60s & 70s counterculture inspiration and an attention to scientifically accurate depiction of mushrooms, plants and animals. Most recently he has begun to find himself in the position of an ‘accidental’ science educator by tricking people into learning about mycology & biodiversity through his drawings, which often utilize recognizable popular culture references while maintaining key elements of accuracy.
